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A black and white silhouette of a basketball on a white background.


A black and white silhouette of a basketball on a white background.


Pro Shot Premium Stadium Arena GSW554

9 gauge 5'X 5' bolt down pole

54' x 36' x 3/8' tempered glass backboard

Hand crank adjustable from 7-10 ft.

New Stadium Arena Bracing Arms Arms are bigger and thicker steel than ever before.

Price: $1199

Pro Shot Premium Stadium Arena GSW660 DB

5'x5' bolt down pole

60'x 36'x 3/8' tempered glass backboard

Hand crank adjustable from 7-10ft.

New Stadium Bracing Arms arms are bigger and thicker steel than ever before

Price : $1399

Pro Shot CV554

5'x 5' pole 7 gauge 7 gauge

3/16 Pole Thickness

This is a bolt down system 8 gussets welded at the bottom of the pole 54' x 36' x 1/2' tempered glass board

Dual Spring Heavy flex rim with the official NBA net tie system.

42' Overhang (This is the distance from the front of the pole to the backboard when adjusted to 10')

5'8 Minimum Height (System has a removable stopper bar that has to be removed to adjust system below 7.5')

Stainless Steel Hardware 2 x 4

Lower Extension Arm 1 x 2

Upper Extension Arm 2

Thick Pole & Gusset Pad 1

Thick Backboard Pad 450 lbs

$300.00 in free pads

1.Pole Pad

2.Gussett Pad

3.Backboard Pad

The pole has been hot dipped and galvanized for our never rust guarantee.

Price : $1599

Pro Shot CV660

6' x 6' pole 7 gauge 7 gauge


Pole Thickness

This is a bolt down system 8 re-enforced gussets at the bottom of pole. 60' x 36' x 1/2' tempered glass board.

Dual Spring Heavy flex rim

42' Overhang (This is the distance from the front of the pole to the backboard when adjusted to 10')


Minimum Height (System has a removable stopper bar that has to be removed to adjust system below 7.5')

Stainless Steel Hardware 2 x 4

Lower Extension Arm 1 x 2

Upper Extension Arm 2

Thick Pole & Gusset Pad 1

Thick Backboard Pad 525 lbs

$300.00 in free pads

1.Pole Pad

2.Gussett Pad

3.Backboard Pad

The pole has been hot dipped and galvanized for our never rust guarantee.

This 60' x 36' x 1/2 tempered glass system offers the best play in the industry [most rock solid, least amount of shake] in the industry. Chain store brands do not offer 8 gussets welded at the bottom of the pole, they use 4. Their systems will now shake and sway 10%-15% more than this top of the line best 60' system! FREE SHIPPING!!! LIFETIME WARRANTY!!!

Price : $1799

Pro Shot CV 6872

Bonus $300.00 in free pads, stainless steel bolts, and the pole has been hot dipped and galvanized for our never rust guarantee. Strongest Positive lock [Breakaway] rim for residential use. Rim has 3 springs not 1 like chain store rims. Rim has the official NBA net tie system. No hooks/cleats on under side of rim. This rim has the same net attachment as NBA rims. There is a hollow tube welded under rim with a wire/cable running through tube to hole up each net strand. When kids/adults dunk and you are playing on chain store rims they have those hooks to hold up the net. Players are breaking, slashing, cutting and bruising their hand and fingers when dunking when hitting those hooks/cleats that attaches the net. It is a basketball system... Who is not going to dunk on it!! Pro Shot Basketball stands behind it's product, we don't hide behind our product and void your warranty!

6' x 8' pole 7 gauge 7 gauge


Pole Thickness

8-re-enforced gussets at the bottom of pole

72' x 42' x 1/2' tempered glass board.

50' Overhang

5'8 Minimum Height

Stainless Steel Hardware 2 x 4

Lower Extension Arm 1.5 x 3

Upper Extension Arm 2

Thick Pole & Gusset Pad 1

Thick Backboard Pad


$300.00 in free pads 1.Pole Pad 2.Gussett Pad 3.Backboard Pad

Price: $2099

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